YES, I’d like to support
Stella Maris
Chesterton Academy!
Stella Maris Chesterton Academy is a work of the lay faithful of the Catholic Church. As such, we rely on supporters who are willing to join us in this mission through financial gifts. By using our gifts from God together, we hope to bring Him glory by forming the next generation of faithful disciples of Christ. Please prayerfully consider how God may be calling you to become a part of our important work of passing on the faith.
If you would like to be added to our contact list as a future donor please complete our donor survey.
Education, art, and community have always relied on the generosity of patrons and participants. We want the privilege of growing goodness in the world to be your opportunity as well.
Your support will:
Help us bridge the gap between tuition and expenses.
Help us offer our teachers a livable wage
Help us create an environment which inspires and brings joy
Help us provide the best creative, cohesive,
content-rich education for our students
To Donate via Check:
Stella Maris Chesterton Academy is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.
To make a tax-deductible donation, please send your check payable to Stella Maris Chesterton Academy, to 806 Avenida Pico, I-248,
San Clemente, CA 92673.
To Donate Online:
To make a donation through our secure online portal, please click the button below.